Variables to use in your business to improve customer service

December 11th, 2020

“It is no longer enough to satisfy customers, they must be delighted” —Philip Kotler


Starting a business from the business model implies, in a large percentage, starting from scratch. This can be very intimidating, especially when looking at other established companies within our line of business. Compared to them, you have to identify "Why would a potential customer choose my business, over all the options?" When you can stand out in facilities or prices, you have to resort to making a difference in your target market.  

There are some marketing variables in which we cannot influence or that simply come to us as a starting point, for example, the average price in the market, the product itself or our distribution channel, however, within the variables on which which we can operate with greater freedom is the so-called "physical evidence" (or physical evidence) and control over the processes.


Let's think about it this way: we arrive at a cleaning products store… and what we find is a dirty store, with dust from days and disorganized shelves! Would this image invite someone to enter and buy products in this place? Good service is not just limited to a good greeting, but you also have to think about the small details. For example, we could think about the spatiality of our premises or if we offer a new product, providing peripheral attention to the product could encourage customers to return.


If one of your products failed with a customer, find out what happens; if a product doesn't fully meet consumer expectations, ask them directly; If a customer has a complaint or suggestion about any aspect of your company or products, pay real attention. 

"Getting new customers can be 5 to 15 times more expensive than taking care of existing customers."

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  1. admin says:

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