VII meeting of social responsibility.
April 29th, 2014
Within the framework of the VII Latin American Meeting of Socially Responsible Companies in Mexico City, with the theme "Responsible, socially sustainable solutions", organized by the Mexican Center for Philanthropy (Cemefi) in collaboration with the Alliance for Corporate Social Responsibility In Mexico (AliaRSE), the ESR® 2014 Distinctive award ceremonies were held for around 950 companies that this year publicly committed to exercising Corporate Social Responsibility.
For a company to be worthy of this distinction in the world, it is necessary to carry out a self-analysis in which five dimensions are addressed, which are considered in the business world as fundamental for the excellent functioning of a company, such as: community, employability and labor relations; Business ethics; and management of social responsibility in business and the environment.
In this meeting, Transportes pitic received the distinction for the third consecutive year, proving once again to be a socially responsible company and also concerned about the environment.