E-commerce sales in Mexico

August 18th, 2018

E-commerce has grown in double digits throughout the decade, In the world this type of business is consolidating sales for more than 25,000 million dollars a year, while in Mexico the business is growing by leaps and bounds.

Ofhe 65 million Internet users in Mexico, 48.7 million make purchases online, so the growth in e-commerce sales, accumulated income from 329 thousand 850 million pesos in 2016, an annual rise of 28.3 percent in 2017.

This year 2018 the statistics reflects economic spills in the country of up to 8 thousand 533 million dollars.

This trade has some challenges and opportunities, 62% of shoppers prefer to see, feel and try the items before buying them and 66% of them might leave a store and not buy if the line is too long.

In Mexico, the incidence of online purchases increased year after year. 75% of online Mexicans made an online purchase in the last 3 months.

Currently, according to the National Bank of Mexico, in our country, 51% of the population is banked, and 6 out of 10 of these people make a payment or purchase online. In 2016, general online spending (excluding travel) was $6,920 pesos

Although the potential of electronic commerce must be exploited in all businesses, the businesses that can take advantage of this opportunity the most are the small ones. He explained that simply by being placed on the web and having a small platform to provide the service, it can compete globally.

International spending increased year over year, among those who bought internationally, almost half of their purchases were made outside of Mexico. These buyers were motivated by price and loyalty to shop elsewhere.

The increase in cross-category purchases was primarily driven by smartphone shoppers. The main consumption categories were: clothing and accessories, digital downloads and event tickets.

The main factors to consider for online purchases in 2017 were the price of products, information and shipping time.

Potential of E-commerce in the Northwest Region.

Sonora and Arizona launch marketing plan in 2018

To take advantage of the strategic geographical position of both states, which have a robust supply chain, modern transportation infrastructure, highly-skilled education systems, and a talented workforce.

In the region there have already been different efforts to work together, as well as improvements to the necessary infrastructure, such as the agreement to generate a distribution center in Mesa, Arizona, which could accelerate commerce in general, including e-Commerce.

In Sinaloa, currently 80% of exports are sent to the United States.

With a wide potential to direct it to other markets through electronic commerce.

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