A commitment that moves us

February 3rd, 2017

At Pitic® contributing to the conservation of the environment is a priority, and our main strategy has been investment in clean technologies, demonstrated by the acquisition of highly energy-efficient transport units during the renewal and expansion of the fleet (short term) , as well as the opening of a Tepotzotlán branch designed in compliance with sustainability principles (medium term). The remodeling of the current offices has also been contemplated, turning them into modern offices and in accordance with the principles of sustainability already implemented in the new offices. This will allow us to make optimal use of resources and will position us as a company that demonstrates with facts its commitment to contribute to the conservation of the environment, trying to innovate not only in business models or operational improvements, but also in the implementation of technologies that help to be more efficient in the use of natural resources and contribute to the development of a low-carbon economy that facilitates the limitation of global warming and contributes to improving the environment and life on the planet (long term).

On the other hand, our social commitment is focused on supporting education and social assistance for vulnerable populations, providing support to Civil Associations that have identified themselves with an approach consistent with the principles and social philosophy of Pitic®.

In the field of education, thanks to a census carried out among the children of collaborators, this year it has been decided to expand our Support Program for Educational Excellence, rewarding the best students, but also laying the foundations for establishing support for those students who need not only recognition of their academic performance, but also to increase their achievement or to have financial support that allows them to continue with their studies, since we believe that avoiding school dropouts has possibly more impact than simply recognizing the best students.

Similarly, at Pitic® we remain interested in maintaining the financial commitment with the Social Assistance Organizations with which we have collaborated, since we are convinced that the activities carried out by these institutions are valuable and necessary to achieve a better level of life for our community and vulnerable populations, and with whom we will try to collaborate more directly through Corporate Volunteering Programs.

2016 has been a year of challenges, where the country's economic situation has not been favorable for the growth of companies in general. However, for Pitic® this has not been an impediment to maintain a level of growth and continue offering our customers transportation solutions according to their needs. This has allowed us to continue investing in the acquisition of clean technologies and in social contributions that are part of our business philosophy.

The most considerable risks for our operation have been and will continue to be fuel prices and the peso-dollar parity, since the former is our main input and the latter determines the acquisition cost of transportation units, but we are confident that that our operation will allow us to be sufficiently effective in achieving our economic and service level goals, managing to maintain our long-term business relationships.

Main achievements

Our main achievements during this period were those related to the reinforcement of our commitments, demonstrated in the following events:

  • Opening of the new Pitic® office in Tepotzotlán, State of Mexico, this being the first of a new Pitic® office model with elements of environmental sustainability, such as the use of rainwater, the use of high quality equipment, furniture and architectural elements. efficiency and low resource consumption.
  • Acquisition of 27 local delivery units, with high-efficiency engines and less environmental impact.
  • Acquisition of 41 Volvo tractor-trailers, equipped with state-of-the-art engines and transmissions, which allow better handling and greater energy use, with lower CO emissions2.
  • Creation of the register of children of collaborators, which will serve as the basis for making decisions regarding the granting and channeling of support focused on education.
  • The granting, for the second consecutive year, of recognition to the best students, recognizing and awarding on this occasion 100 children, children of Pitic® employees, for their high academic performance.
  • The granting of the Pitic® Scholarship for Excellence through the Esposos Rodríguez Foundation in 2016, where the young Esteban Estrella Guillén was supported with 20 thousand dollars, who is pursuing a master's degree in "Design, Energy and Environment Studies" in Harvard University in the United States. The objective of this scholarship is to promote the development of students so that they contribute to the progress of the State through the contribution of positive knowledge.
  • Creation of the necessary documentation and procedures for the management of corporate volunteering within Pitic®.


During this period, the planning and implementation of volunteer programs remains as a pending issue, since we only finalize the formation of the documentary and administrative structure within the organization. It will be extremely important to support institutions with experience in corporate volunteering in order to have a greater impact on the efforts that we allocate to this end within the next year.

We can say that we have fulfilled the main objectives within our organization, but we must not neglect those that help us expand the impact of our efforts, such as those related to corporate volunteering or collaboration with other organizations that coincide with us in the efforts for reinforcing the education and quality of life of the vulnerable population of the communities where we have a presence.


We envision a complicated economic outlook within the next year, where the release of fuel prices will affect us directly and that, without a doubt, could have an inflationary impact on the national economy. This situation can translate not only into a commercial and financial complication, like many others that Pitic® has successfully overcome, but also into a worsening of the social situation of already vulnerable populations, meaning an extra effort in our commitment to them, and where We may have to reinforce economic support with other types of support, such as volunteering, and the support that we as a company grant to those who feel called to collaborate in social responsibility actions is also essential.

Without a doubt, the efforts focused on finding innovative solutions that we carry out within Pitic®, focused on continuous improvement or finding new solutions to our problems, will be necessary in the area of Social Responsibility, since we cannot and should not rely on just giving support financial and in kind to social assistance institutions, but we must make efforts on our part to be able to meet the needs of our internal community to support the development of our people and community, and thus begin to change the world, changing ourselves.

If you are interested in continuing reading about this topic, we invite you to read our Sustainability Report 2016.


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