Always following the best path

May 21st, 2012

The commitment to improve day by day and to be guided by ethical values is a characteristic that we have maintained since our beginnings at Transportes Pitic.

Hard work and the vision of integrating ourselves positively within society has led us to be recognized with the ESR badge, which endorses us as a Socially Responsible company that fully complies in the economic, social and environmental spheres.

The ESR distinction is a recognition granted by the Mexican Center for Philanthropy (Cemefi) and the Alliance for Corporate Social Responsibility (AliaRSE).
Currently in Mexico there are only about 500 companies that have been certified as ESR, which places us on a par with world-class organizations.

We have always governed ourselves based on well-founded values, with unwavering ethics, making fair and honest deals and with total transparency. We have demonstrated our sensitivity and empathy by participating in noble causes of social aid that promote the constant development of the communities where we operate, acting with deep respect for people and the environment. All of this, together with the constant search for growth, both professionally and personally, of each one of the people who are part of this company, is what has allowed us to be worthy of this important recognition that fills us with pride.

Because we are a leading and successful company, we will continue working for a better Mexico.

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