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Sonora Award for Philanthropy.

Within the framework of the Sonora Award for Philanthropy 2014, Eng. Jorge Cons Figueroa, member of the Board of Directors of Transportes Pitic, received special recognition for the support provided for a decade to carry out this event, which aims to recognize entrepreneurship and carrying out charitable work done with passion, [...]

5 products in which Mexico is a world leader.

The geographical position, trade agreements and proximity to the United States make our country an exporting power, which has allowed it to specialize in certain products and has helped the brand "Made in Mexico" have a greater global presence. Trade agreements and the greater globalization of production chains have […]

6 links that your supply chain must have.

Customer satisfaction should be the objective of this chain, however, for many companies, achieving it is more complex than it seems. BY: ALEJANDRO MEDINA GONZÁLEZ Practically any supply chain within a company must have two final priority objectives: to improve the internal functioning of the company and, the most important, to contribute […]

Talent management for flexible chains.

Attracting and retaining talent is a complex task when it comes to flexible supply chains. It is crucial for companies to properly manage personnel and foster loyalty within the organization in order to be more competitive in any adverse scenario. Mario Zavala* Difference from other supply chains —in […]

Operator of the year.

Highway operators are a fundamental part of Transportes Pitic®, which is why, since 1992, their effort and dedication are recognized every year by holding the "Operator of the Year" contest, in which outstanding performance in fuel savings, kilometers traveled, zero accidents and excellent punctuality throughout the […]

Excellent environmental performance by the Clean Transport program.

For the second consecutive year, Transportes Pitic is recognized by the Clean Transport program with excellent environmental performance. Clean Transportation is a national, voluntary program created and operated by SEMARNAT (Secretariat of the Environment and Natural Resources) together with the SCT (Secretariat of Communications and Transportation). In 2009 the Federal Government of Mexico […]

Multinationals with new business strategies.

  McDonald's, Starbucks, Apple and Uber, companies that change their businesses. Some of the largest companies in the world are not content and are adapting their business models to ensure the sustainability of their competitive advantages at an international level. Apple, Toyota and even Alibaba, have interpreted the evolution of the markets and are […]

Mobile commerce, high growth potential.

      46% of Mexican consumers made a purchase from their Smartphone. Mobile commerce is an area of opportunity for Mexican companies. In the last 12 months alone, 46% of Mexican consumers made at least one purchase from their smartphone and 30% from tablets, according to data from a […]

Mexico has new regulations on Transportation.

NOM-068 issued by the SCT: The Official Mexican Standard establishes the physical-mechanical specifications to limit the traffic of vehicles that provide the Federal Transportation Service for Passenger, Tourism, Cargo and Private Transportation, on roads and bridges of federal jurisdiction within the United Mexican States, as well as the inspection and verification procedures for […]

ESR® 2015 Distinction

          Within the framework of the VIII Latin American Meeting of Socially Responsible Companies in Mexico City, with the theme "Challenges and Commitments towards a better future", organized by the Mexican Center for Philanthropy (Cemefi) in collaboration with the Alliance for Responsibility Social Entrepreneurship in Mexico (AliaRSE), […]