Mexico has new regulations on Transportation.

June 1st, 2015

NOM-068 issued by the SCT:

The Mexican Official Standard establishes the physical-mechanical specifications to limit the traffic of vehicles that provide the Federal Transportation Service for Passenger, Tourism, Cargo and Private Transportation, on roads and bridges under federal jurisdiction within the United Mexican States, as well as the inspection and verification procedures to determine such limitations.

NOM-068 3

Likewise, it is complemented by other seven NOMs or Mexican Standards in force or those that replace them, related: NOM-012-SCT-2; the NOM-35-SCT-2; NOM-040-SCT-2; NOM-067-SCT-2/SECOFI; NOM-008-SCFI; NOM-011-SECRE; the NOM-100-STPS, and the NMX-D-225-IMNC-2013.

The new regulations are based on various articles of the following legislation: the Organic Law of the Federal Public Administration; the Federal Law on Metrology and Standardization; the Law of Roads, Bridges and Federal Autotransportation; the Federal Law of Administrative Procedure, and the Regulation of the Federal Law on Metrology and Standardization; the Regulation on the Weight, Dimensions and Capacity of Federal Autotransport Vehicles and Auxiliary Services, as well as the Internal Regulations of the SCT.

NOM-068-SCT-2-2014 comes into force after complying with various procedures, including that on June 23, 2014, the Federal Commission for Regulatory Improvement issued a Final Opinion through official letter COFEME/14/1425, and in dated August 4, 2014, the same Commission issued official letter COFEME/14/1905, in order to proceed with its publication.




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  1. jorge valencia says:

    Are there any official regulations that prohibit the use of car sharing in Mexico?

    1. admin says:

      Hi Jorge, we don't know about carpooling, good luck with your question!!!

  2. Marco says:

    Are the guidelines for vehicles the same for transport to airports as for regular transport?

    1. admin says:

      No Framework, each transport system has its own guidelines.

  3. Nora says:

    What is the main law of logistics?

    1. admin says:

      The transport or warehouse activity is something that lacks the rigor and control of the circumstances that a production chain has. But it is something that can be planned, taking into account multiple variables, such as delays, alternative activities, dimensioning, prior preparation, etc. Plan as much as you can and prepare for the unexpected.

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