Companies that import gasoline to resell in Mexico

March 20th, 2017

By: Nayeli González Reporter of Excelsior. Follow her on Twitter at @nayelichan


The number of companies that applied for the import permit was more than 600.


MEXICO CITY. – The opening of the fuel market in Mexico is promoting the interest of private companies to import oil products and compete both in distribution and marketing to final consumers, through new brands.

Until now, the Ministry of Energy (Sener) has granted 659 permits, that allows individuals to bring gasoline, diesel, LP gas and jet fuel, for a total of 683,339 million liters.

According to the latest report, these volumes can be brought into the country, with the aim of promote competition in the new market scheme and that this gradually benefits the final consumers.

Thus, of the total number of requests attended to, at least 31.3%, equivalent to 206 of the permits were granted for the importation of gasoline, for a total volume of 248,699.7 million liters, which may be purchased by companies abroad and sold in Mexico, either directly or as intermediaries with the gas station.

In this case, the companies that stand out the most, due to the volumes they requested, are Pemex Industrial Transformation, with more than 33,667.5 million liters, since it will continue to remain as the main marketer of fuels in the country.

It is followed by Vitol Marketing México and Santa Fe Energy with 20,000 and 17,000 million liters respectively, as well as IF Vertical of the Gulf company with 16,249.8 million, Combustibles de Oriente with 15,000 million and Puma Energy with 19,934 million liters.

Also on the list is CFE Energy, subsidiary of the Federal Electricity Commission, which requested permits to import 6,103.3 million liters of regular and Premium gasoline.

In the case of diesel, Sener resolved 277 applications to companies seeking to buy fuel abroad and sell it in Mexico, equivalent to 43.1% of the total, for 173,731.3 million liters.

In this case Eastern fuels, as well as IF Vertical and Pemex Industrial Transformation, They are the companies that have the authorization with the highest volumes to bring diesel from abroad, equivalent to 15.00, 14.218 and 12.861 million liters respectively.



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