Government launches app for road assistance
October 8th, 2013In case of a mechanical or medical emergency, or being the victim of a crime, people
that travel through the 136 road sections of the federal network may be assisted by
the authorities, by having the Mobile PF application. The requirement: have a phone
smart with platform Android, Windows or iPhone.
Through this free app, users have access to a "help button" that
contact the National Security Commissioner Service Center in real time,
to attend to the emergency they report.
Anonymously, the person who accesses the PF Móvil services can send a
video, photo or email of your complaint. Or if you prefer you can
report anonymous complaint providing your name and location data to give
In a conference, the spokesman for the Security Cabinet of the Government of the Republic,
Eduardo Sánchez Hernández, maintained that in the event that any person requires the
support of the federal police, through the application for smartphones, the support and
The reaction of the authorities will be “immediate”.
“The response capacity is immediate, the call is generated immediately to 088
of the Commissioner's Attention Center, the person in charge of the highway quadrant responds
immediately and follows up on the call made by the citizen”, he said.
Road crime decreases
Four months after the start of operations of the Highway Quadrants Program,
where 2 thousand 692 elements of the Police Regional Security Division participate
Federal, with the support of 17 helicopters and 575 radio-patrol cars, the results in the
registration of vehicular accidents, injuries, and criminal incidence decreased.
According to the report by Eduardo Sánchez Hernández, Undersecretary of
Media Regulations of the Ministry of the Interior, the number of people
injured on the road was reduced by 20,25%, with 9 thousand 191 injured compared to
the 11 thousand 525 of 2012.
As for road mishaps, a reduction of 8.1% is reported, with 9 thousand 573
accidents, 825 less than those registered without the application of the program in progress.
Regarding deaths due to accidents, they decreased by almost 25%, going from 2 thousand 133
cases from the previous year, to 1,605 in the past quarter.
Regarding the criminal incidence registered from March to April, Sánchez Hernández highlighted
compared to the same period in 2012, the National Security Commission
registered a drop of 19,19%, with 5 thousand 953 crimes compared to 7 thousand 354 of the
last year.