The social responsibility of companies is a win-win
November 1st, 2019
Traditionally, the success of companies had been measured only by their profitability and economic results. However, for some years, it has been valued that companies act responsibly, committed to generating social and environmental well-being.
The trend in consumer preference has been changing, to migrate their selection of consumption to companies committed to the benefit of social and environmental aspects, healthy finances and the communities with which they interact. Likewise, customers today demand that companies, in addition to quality products and services, produce them under fair conditions, promote the human development of their workers that dignifies their lives, that is, they decide on Companies with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
The Alliance for Corporate Social Responsibility for Mexico (AliaRSE) defines the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility as "the conscious and consistent commitment to fully comply with the purpose of the company, both internally and externally, considering economic expectations, social and environmental aspects of all its participants, demonstrating respect for people, ethical values, the community and the environment, thus contributing to the construction of the common good”.
The road to CSR
Any company that wants to be socially responsible must assume, adopt and publish the following indicators, which indicate the degree of adoption of responsibility. For CEMEFI, this should be the "decalogue" of any company that wishes to be socially responsible:
1) Promote and encourage a CSR culture within it that seeks the goals and success of the business, while contributing to the well-being of society.
2) Identify the social needs of the environment in which it operates and collaborate in its solution, promoting the development and improvement of the quality of life.
3) Make public the values of your company and perform based on a code of ethics.
4) Live inside and outside schemes of participatory leadership, solidarity, service and respect for human dignity.
5) Promote the human and professional development of the entire community (employees, family members, shareholders and suppliers)
6) Identify and support social causes as part of its business action strategy.
7) Respect the ecological environment in each and every one of the operation and marketing processes, in addition to contributing to the preservation of the environment.
8) Invest time, talent and resources in the development of the communities in which it operates.
9) Participate, through intersectoral alliances with other companies, in civil society organizations (CSOs) and/or with the government, in addressing the social causes that you have chosen.
10) Take into account and involve your staff, shareholders and suppliers in your investment and social development programs.
Social Responsibility goes beyond philanthropy, whose purpose is to create value and develop capacities, promote innovation and teaching tools for development. Being socially responsible implies carrying out an exchange and developing a win-win relationship between the organization and society.