November 11th, 2015

Logistics is defined as the set of means and methods necessary to carry out the organization of a company, or a service, especially distribution.

A supply chain is made up of all those processes involved directly or indirectly in the action of satisfying customer needs.

In Mexico, a Council made up of more than 100 experienced executives in logistics and supply chains (CONALOG) has just been formalized, which aims to promote the development and competitiveness of professionals in the sector.


Its president Rodolfo Lopez comments “We as a logistics sector move Mexico, together we will make this new organization the most recognized in the industry and we will unite the loose points between the government and the private initiative; we see that the rest of this 2015 will be full of changes and with a highly contrasting economy, but with great growth opportunities”.

According to study data Transportation and Logistics 2030 Volume 5: Winning the talent trace, prepared by the international consulting firm PwC, by the year 2030 more than 8 billion people will live on Earth, world trade in goods and services will grow more than 3 times which will put pressure on the industry to keep goods flowing through of supply chains.

CONALOG Vice President Fernanda Guerra is preparing for the challenge that this implies and that is where the Council must act as a link between industry, government and study academies and thus be prepared to meet the demands that the future holds.

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CONALOG has different types of membership and services. Follow them on Twitter as @CONALOGmx to learn more.



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