Auto parts industry, with potential of 35 million dollars in Mexico

August 31st, 2013

auto1By:Dainzú Patiño, T21

Mexico is positioned worldwide as the fifth importer of auto parts and raw materials to complement the production lines of car assemblers installed in Mexico. Just last year the value for these transactions reached 35 billion dollars, a figure that reflects the potential of the auto parts industry to provide a greater impetus for the development of suppliers in the country, pointed out Oscar Albin, executive president of the National Auto Parts Industry (INA).

This number represents little more than 46% of the production value of this industry at the end of last year, which was 75 million dollars, and which is estimated to reach 90 billion dollars in the next six years, according to figures from the agency.

Marcelo López Sánchez, secretary of Sustainable Development in Querétaro, a Mexican entity that concentrates this industry, pointed out that the greatest opportunities are found for Tier 2 and Tier 3 suppliers (basic and non-design products, such as screws), because it is the Tier 1 that arrive with the assemblers, after the objective of complying with quality standards at a global level.

He mentioned that about 300 companies in the auto parts industry out of a total of 1,200 are installed in Querétaro, mainly because they take advantage of the strategic location of the entity to serve the companies installed in the Bajío and North of the country, in addition to the quality of technicians and engineers that take place in the state of Queretaro, advantages that can be used by new providers in the region.

In this regard, it should be noted that the guidelines for the application of resources from the Entrepreneurial Fund contemplate economic support for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) for the incorporation of information, innovation and communications technologies, as well as for the strengthening of their capacities. administrative, productive and commercial, connection and business opportunities in national and international markets.

Eric Porras, Director of Research at the Center for Innovation in Logistics and Commerce of Mexico (Ciltec) of Tec de Monterrey, pointed out that One of the main areas of improvement for Tier 1 and 2 suppliers is logistics for the transportation of goods.. He added that having a greater number of national suppliers can contribute to reduce the logistics cost for the automotive industry installed in the country, which represents 18% of the final price of a new car for sale.

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