Factors that determine consumer loyalty

July 1st, 2013

According to the GS1 Mexico organization, low prices are the main reason when selecting which store to make purchases in the retail sector, although the experience of consumers when they go to the floor is closely followed. selling.

In this logic, there are also convenience and qualitative factors that together have much greater weight than low prices. Therefore, "in addition to having competitive prices, it is important that the products are well located, that there is variety, quality and freshness, but also that people find what they are looking for and do not have to spend hours looking for a specific product," said the organization.

For retailers it is of utmost importance to shorten times, in this sense, a study carried out by GS1 Mexico showed that a cashier takes approximately 1.8 seconds to scan a fully legible barcode and, on the other hand, it would take 12 seconds to type the 13 digits of a code that was not.

Given this, the organization stressed that although 10 extra seconds does not sound too important, in those 10 seconds of lost time, the chain, and therefore the producers, could read or sell up to 6 additional products.

In addition to this, GS1 Mexico highlighted the results of last year's "Shelf Missing Study", which shows that the most common cause of non-existence of the product is in transit to the store in a 28% or simply because the product is still in cellar in a 18.1% of the times.

The same study highlighted that when a product is missing, 42,11% of those surveyed buy the same product but from another brand, 30,58% look for the product in another store and only 11,35% delay their purchase until they find the missing product .

The solution to this problem, warned the organization, is based on establishing a joint strategy between supplier and chain to solve all those incident points that impact the supply chain of both actors.

Source: Logistics Emphasis Magazine http://www.logsticamx.enfasis.com


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