5 products in which Mexico is a world leader.

August 5th, 2015


The geographical position, trade agreements and proximity to the United States make our country an exporting power, which has allowed it to specialize in certain products and has helped the brand "Made in Mexico" have a greater global presence.

Trade agreements and the greater globalization of production chains allowed Mexico sell abroad in 2014 various products for 397.5 billion dollars, remaining in 15th place among the powers exporters, according to the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Although the exports known as non-oil (agricultural, extractive and manufacturing) already have more weight than oil exports, Mexico is characterized by specializing in certain products that make it a power. Some of the Mexican products that have a majority weight in world exports are listed below.

Captura de pantalla 2015-08-04 a la(s) 13.29.05

Source: World Trade Organization, Ministry of Economy.



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