6 links that your supply chain must have.

August 5th, 2015

talento humano

Customer satisfaction should be the objective of this chain, however, for many companies achieving it is more complex than it seems.


virtually any supply chain within a company must have two final priority objectives: to improve the internal functioning of the company and, the most important, to contribute to the satisfaction of each of its customers.

From problems with providers Even bad employee practices, errors in processes and failures in managerial decisions are just the basis of a wide range of problems that companies face and prevent them from meeting these goals.

What must we do then so that the gear of our supply chain works correctly? And how to go from being a simply good company to a highly competitive one?

learning and knowledge

For Carlos Andrés Valderrama, general director for Latin America at LlamaSoft, making a supply chain truly effective depends mainly on the company promoting its knowledge and skills all days.

From his perspective, each of the errors and problems that arise within the company must be recorded and subsequently worked on in the processes of each part of the chain, with the aim of learn from them.

“Companies year after year make evaluations and locate their errors, however, the problem is that they never end up integrating all these problems into their processes and, therefore, chains”, he explains.

The specialist maintains that it is very important that the areas in charge of managing supply chains need capture knowledge that they leave their mistakes and learn well from them not only so that they do not repeat themselves, but also to improve their positioning.

Valderrama points out that this fact will allow companies to increase theircompetitiveness and improve your business. "Companies have to adopt the capacity for change, they must modify their chains whenever necessary so that they do not repeat their mistakes," he says.

The LlamaSoft executive adds that through the supply chain companies need to work on an important strategic planning that makes the company stand out and pick up pace.


Design and implementation

Valderrama maintains that it is important that these chains are designed and implemented based on six steps to achieve the purposes and objectives of the companies. Here we present them to you.

1.- What is the status of the company?

The manager points out that before designing a supply chain, a process of analysis inside to determine where they are and where they want to go. The internal processes and the way in which the company works must enter into this evaluation period.

2.- What value answers does the company need to give in order to grow?

Once the state of the company is known, it is pertinent that the directors and areas in charge of the supply chains establish very clearly the steps that each area needs to take to improve and be able to start scaling. These points that are obtained will be the key to improving your internal work.

3.- Definition of projects

List all the projects that the company has, along with the objectives of each of them and the time in which they have to be delivered. This will serve to create a map of the company that will help managers to perfectly trace the entire work routewhat they will face

4.- Prioritization of projects

Then you have to prioritize, finding which are the priority and secondary projects, either because of the profits they will grant or because of the time you have to carry them out. This activity will also allow us to know which ones, due to their importance, need ahigher investment and what others can expect.

5.- Development plan and ROI

The directors of the company and those in charge of the Supply Chain must carry out a very detailed development and work plan that all the company's collaborators follow. This document should consider very well the issue of return on investment, for when and how much is expected, it is an issue that cannot be lost sight of.

6.- Evaluation and optimization of work

To close, the specialist points out that it is very important to carry out periodic evaluations of the results that are being obtained and locate the advances. When there are problems with this issue, it will be very important that a optimization of activities with the aim that things can be done much better and more effectively. It is important that the entire process is carried out at least every six months or a year.

How important is it for you to have a good supply chain? How much importance do you put on the issue of internal processes? How do you manage these types of issues within your company?

Source: http://www.altonivel.com.mx/52246-6-eslabones-que-debe-tener-tu-cadena-de-suministro.html


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