Excellent environmental performance by the Clean Transport program.

August 5th, 2015

For the second consecutive year, Transportes Pitic is recognized by the Clean Transport program with excellent environmental performance.

Clean Transportation is a national, voluntary program created and operated by SEMARNAT (Secretariat of the Environment and Natural Resources) together with the SCT (Secretariat of Communications and Transportation).

Transportes PiticIn 2009, the Federal Government of Mexico adopted a series of measures to combat climate change. Among the 187 measures provided for in the action plan against climate change, the Clean Transportation Program stands out, whose main objective is to reduce the volume of polluting emissions emitted into the atmosphere by heavy duty vehicles and in turn help companies save costs, thus increasing their competitiveness. Adherence to this program is voluntary for companies and since its launch, a total of 166 companies have joined the initiative. Transportes Pitic is one of them, which, thanks to investment in technology, a modern fleet and good practices for fuel saving, achieved a reduction in CO2 emissions of 17,836 tons in 2014.

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