August 4th, 2013
most used means of communication. Do you know his manual in good manners?
By: Tatiana Gutierrez
Published: May 21, 2013
Twitter: @highlevel
Currently, the most used means of communication in companies is the email.
electronic. This facilitates interaction, makes the message effective, is of immediate contact
and above all, it emanates a personalized interaction. However, there is also
manual of good manners to be able to use it properly and that it is a reflection
of your professionalism at work.
According to Renata Roa, consultant in Public Image and Facial Communication, what
The first thing you must understand is that "email is a letter, which although it does not
it will take two months to arrive, it does need an adequate structure and development. What
Any letter needs a title, a salutation, a body, and a farewell.” Here your
Title. The title must express the meaning of the email, you must be specific, this
It will help to classify the importance of the emails that arrive to you. Avoid a hello or good
days in the title.
The body of the email. Say hello in a timeless way. “One of the great mistakes of the
mails is to say hello as if you were talking directly, when you talk about
a work environment, the greeting must be timeless, this will help to have a contact
personalized, without showing when it was sent”, indicates the expert. You can use the
greetings: Dear Daniel, Dear Daniel, Good morning, Daniel.
The body of the email. Avoid making written statements to a director or manager,
who receives more than 300 emails a day, it is impossible to read such long messages. Use your
synthesis capacity and simplify your information in no more than three paragraphs, this will help
to be read and not to be sent as pending.
The farewell. Always say goodbye in an email, however personal it may be, the farewell is
essential to show professionalism. Have a nice day, Kind regards,
Thanking you for your attention, etc.
Sign your email. Once you've said goodbye, add your personalized signature. You must
remember that you use a corporate email and that you must reflect professionalism.
your spelling. Take care of the way you write, use appropriate language, a
Correct writing and spelling is necessary for good communication, and
above all, readable.
Delete previous conversations. If the conversation takes more than ten emails, avoid
add the first eight. Having such long emails is uncomfortable for the person sending them.
receives, just leave the last two to contextualize the conversation.
Be very careful with CC and BCC: Technological advances allow us to have emails
intelligent, take care that the autofill is correct, prevent other people from finding out
of your conversations or that they become uncomfortable by receiving information that does not
Reply within 24 hours. As a courtesy, please reply within 24 hours of the
arrival of an email, this will prevent them from forwarding the information or causing uncertainty
on the person who sent it. If there is no time to do it, with an Ok, aware or
received will suffice, or be more specific: for now I cannot answer you but in five days
you have my answer The point is to answer with certainty.
Avoid using simplifications or idioms. Although we have already discussed spelling and
good writing, the advice to avoid using simplified languages is not too much. The K"
as a synonym for “que”, the “D” without the “e”; Thks, for thanks, among others.
If it's urgent, confirm it with a call. There are technological ways to specify the
urgency of the emails, however, try to make it as personalized as possible, call
to the person to confirm that you have received it, this will help them know that it is urgent.
If it's heavy, call to authorize it. Currently the capacity of the post office is
much larger, however, there may be companies where couriers are limited, if
you urgently need to send one that is very heavy, call to verify if you can send it.
Learn to use your email. The most important thing is to know all the tools with which
that counts your email. Now you can make agendas together
with your contacts, there are important sound alerts, automated responses,
shared information and more. Knowing how to use it will help you exploit its
emoticons. Emails in the company must be formal, avoid smiley faces at the end or at the end.
principle, this detracts from your professionalism and it is also not correct to use it.
Capital letters. The correct way to write is in highs and lows, avoid doing it with
capital letters, this does not give a professional image.
Money. There are no professional funds, avoid using them.
Sent from… Technological gadgets bring with them an established signature, you can
say: Sent from my iPhone, Sent from my iPad, Sent from my office
blackberry etc. Avoid these signatures, it can misunderstand presumption or pose.
Avoid answering angry. The state of mind is transmitted even in an email,
avoid doing it when you're upset, this could hurt future conversations.