Something that entrepreneurs like Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg have taught us is that you can succeed in different ways. You work hard, but everyone achieved success in their own way. Every trip is unique. And while the leadership is different, their mindset is what made them stand out.
Steve Siebold, author of How Rich People Think, interviewed more than a thousand millionaires over three decades to try to determine what makes them different.
The results of his investigation showed that it did not depend on any extra features. What really sets millionaires apart from everyone else is that they don't let anything stop them. They always pursue their goals.
And that's why Josh Felber, co-author of the books Transform and SuccessOnomics, collects some phrases that successful people will never say.
1. “I hate my job”
Successful people avoid these types of statements, because these negative elements do nothing more than slow down your journey to success. Instead of insulting a person, the job or the company, they seek to solve the problem with appropriate facts.
2. "It's not fair"
Never rant against the injustices of life. Success is not a gift, you have to work hard for it and there will always be obstacles. Show that you deserve it and do not complain about the events, instead, improve the situation.
3. “This is not how things are done”
Innovation is a key characteristic of successful people, which is why they are always experimenting with new ways of doing things. You have to learn to accept changes. Nobody achieves something great without trying something new.
Steve Jobs, for example, was passionate about innovation and was so passionate about it that he created things like the iPhone and the iPad. Jobs once said, "Innovation distinguishes a leader from a follower."
4. "That's not my job"
Great leaders help others succeed as well. Being a team player will help you achieve success more easily. Well, the hard work and dedication of the employees are the real reason why you will be successful.
5. "It's impossible"
Successful people know that borders and limits are only creations of the mind. Such unnecessary declarations will prevent you from achieving greatness. In fact, all the negative phrases like "can't," "won't," and "impossible" are never heard from the mouths of the best leaders.
6. “I would have been able”
Regret is the worst feeling a person can face. But true leaders lower the chances of regret. And this is due to two reasons: they take advantage of opportunities regardless of adversity or they turn the page, move on and find another new opportunity. Repent is useless.
7. “I have no choice”
There are always options and opportunities at hand and those who have achieved success knew how to create their own path. To say that there is no option implies a passive role, that of a victim. Powerful people take control.